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Statement of Eucharistic Communion
For several months now, our Holy Synod (Holy Orthodox Church in North America) has been conducting a brotherly dialogue with the Holy Synod of the True Orthodox Church of Greece under the Presidency of His Beatitude, Archbishop Makarios of Athens ( By the mercy and grace of the Lord, our common labors have yielded a God-pleasing fruit and our two Churches have agreed to establish full Eucharistic unity, which will be sealed by a hierarchical concelebration. The dates of the concelebration will be announced separately. This is the OFFICIAL announcement signed by the Presidents of the two Synods.
✠Gregory, Bishop of Brookline
Secretary of the Holy Synod
An English statement can be found here.
A clearer Greek version of the statement can be found here.
Consecration of Bishop Gregory of Concord
“So let thy light shine before men, so that they may see thy good works and glorify our Father which is in the heavens.â€
[read during the vesting prayers for Hierarchs]
On Sunday April 29/16, 2012, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing women, St. Joseph of Arimithea and St. Nicomedus, almost 30 clergymen of the Holy Orthodox Church in North America from across Canada, United States and the Republic and Georgia concelebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Mark Orthodox Cathedral in the Diocese of Boston and witnessed the elevation of Priestmonk Gregory of Holy Transfiguration Monastery to the rank of Bishop.
The Dormition of the Theotokos Church in Concord, New Hampshire will become the Cathedral of Bishop Gregory who was born in the Republic of Georgia, and lived and studied in Spain and England. How fitting it is that his Cathedral is dedicated to our Holy Mother as he, and the many faithful in the Republic of Georgia were accepted under the Omophorion of His Eminence, Metroplitan Ephraim of Boston on the Feast of the Holy Dormition of the Theotokos in 1997 by Father Andrew Boroda (of Prophet Elias in Minnesota).
With approximately 300 faithful in attendance representing parishes from all over North America, the roar of AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! [see video] could be heard all the way in the hometown of our newly consecrated Bishop in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia!
[View pictures from the Consecration of Bishop Gregory of Concord]
The Liturgy was followed by a banquet to celebrate this wonderful day at the Apollo Banquet Hall where we heard our Hierarchs, Metropolitan Ephraim, Metropolitan Makarios, Bishop Demetrius and Bishop Gregory speak. We also heard enlightening words from Archimandarite Isaac and Panteleimon that were followed by Fr. Andrew Boroda and Fr. . Gelasi who is visiting from our church all the way from the Republic of Georgia;Â Fr. Gelasi knew our Bishop from a young age as he attended the parish in Georgia.
Many of the faithful expressed their joy of being present at such a special day and to share it with Orthodox Christians from across our Synod. There were approximately 50 people just from St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in the Metropolis of Toronto who experienced a Consecration of a Bishop for the very first time. In addition, many of the Toronto faithful visited different parishes, Holy Transfiguration Monastery and Holy Nativity Convent.
We thank our Lord for bestowing such blessings on us as we continue to remain steadfast in the true and genuine Orthodox Faith.